What is a Quoll?

Quolls actually exits. We promise!

Native to Australia and New Guinea, Quolls are amazing and feisty little marsupials (meaning they carry their young in a pouch on their abdomen - yes, like a kangaroo...)

About Quolls

Quolls range in size from only a few ounces up to roughly 15 lbs. They have brief lifespans of 1 - 6 years, and they're mostly nocturnal.

When first born, baby quolls (or pups) are only the size of a grain of rice! They live in their mother's pouch for 6 - 8 weeks after birth while they continue to grow. Mama quolls can have up to 30 pups in a litter.

For many years, quolls were hunted (nearly to extinction) for their beautiful fur coats. These range in colour through whites, greys, tans, browns, and blacks with very individual spot and stripe markings which change with their age and throughout the seasons.

Their main threats are now human development and poisoning, invasive species like the poisonous cane toad, and larger predators such as cats and foxes.

Quolls are affectionate, excellent parents to their young, and fierce little fighters when they need to be.

  • Reason #1: Advocacy

    Quolls were nearly extinct. Tex named his company after them as a way to bring attention to this fact nationally and abroad.

  • Reason #2: Emotional Sap

    Growing up, Tex had one as a pet. It was adorable. It was little. It was creatively named Quoll. (This is akin to a cat being named Kitty...)

  • Fun Quoll Facts

    • there are 6 different types of quoll
    • they were formerly known as "native polecats"
    • quolls are mostly solitary